The purpose of this page is to show a sample of public speaking and YouTube Vlogging.
What is UI/UX?
What is UI/UX?HCI Responsive Design and Accessibility
Social Media Breakfast
Social Media Breakfast #SMBMSP presentation: social media roll call. http://www.ustream.tv/channel/social-media-breakfast---twin-cities
SlideShare LinkOther Speaking Engagements
Notes, slides and transcripts maybe available online: YouTube, Prezi, SlideShare, Vemio, and Google Docs
- Iowa State University - HCI Writing Club
- Iowa State University - HCI Class
- Iowa State University - Engineering Career Fair
- Iowa State University - Gerdin Leadership Club
- American Marketing Association (AMA) - Conference
- Social Media Breakfast (SMBMSP) - Meetup
- Hyperstream - Valley High School Student After School Club
- Ohio Growth Summit - Personal Branding Panel
- General Dynamics - Tech Summit
- General Dynamics - Brown Bag Luncheon Workshop
- MIMA - Summit
- AdFed2 - Student Mentor Luncheon
- AdFed - Technology Workshop
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